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Donor Stories

Donor Stories

  • Kathy O'Neil Fights Cancer as a Lamplighter
    July 17, 2018 — Kathy O'Neil has lost six of her last seven dogs to cancer. Each death was devastating and far too painful...
  • Changing the Landscape of Feline Health
    July 22, 2019 — "Ann was so generous," said Angela Lennox-Kay, one of Ann's longtime friends. "We miss her terribly."
  • Morris Animal Foundation Receives $200,000 From Well-Regarded Atlanta Lawyer's Estate
    DENVER/November 4, 2019 — Morris Animal Foundation has received a $200,000 gift from the estate of Rosemary Kittrell, a well-regarded Atlanta criminal civil rights lawyer.
  • Morris Animal Foundation Receives $2.3 Million Legacy Gift to Support Animal Health Studies
    DENVER/August 21, 2018 — Morris Animal Foundation has received a $2.3 million legacy gift from the estate of Karl D. Smith, a prominent Denver businessman with a soft spot for animals.
  • Morris Animal Foundation Receives $1 Million Legacy Gift from William and Ann Cullen Trust
    DENVER/February 1, 2019 — Morris Animal Foundation, the preeminent nonprofit leader in advancing animal health, has received a $1 million legacy gift from...
  • Healing Traditions Improve Animal Health
    When Jenna, a 13-year-old cat adopted by Drs. Kris and Greg Greenwood as a kitten, passed away in her sleep, the Greenwoods deeply mourned her loss. Jenna had been the first of...
  • Chance Encounter Leads to Lifelong Puppy Love
    Some people don't just make a habit out of doing good deeds - they make it their life's mission. At Morris Animal Foundation, we call these people Lamplighters. Dianne Tanner is the perfect example.
  • Simple T-shirt Leads to Lifelong Love
    If you had asked her 15 years ago, Sandi Heffner would never have guessed that something so simple as a friend's choice in dress attire would have changed her life, and the lives of so many others, forever.
  • Rescuing the Misunderstood
    Bonnie has dedicated her life to taking in the worst of the worst rescue cases, and is well-known in her community for her rescue efforts. Local humane shelters call on...